среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

chocolate flavoured coffee

Got my close reading paper extended to Monday yaaaaay :D :D I basically had a bunch of ideas but no clue how to make them into paper form, so I talked to Dr. B(aker) for like half and hour and now I know what to write and have until Monday to do it. Now if I could just come up with something for the American lit paper before Friday, life would be lovely. I keep having to remind myself itapos;s just Tuesday, though. Since I keep thinking ahead to the end of the week I get off track.

So, film was cancelled today due to projector issues (read: idiotas in some Appalachian Hiking class left it on and the bulb burnt out). That gave me about four hours between my last class and tutoring, so I used that time to talk to Dr. B and then went to Coreyapos;s room and napped like a mofo. I really need to stop doing that, Iapos;m sure his roommateapos;s tired of coming back to his room after desk sitting and witnessing his roommateapos;s girlfriend sacked out on the bed. Only today, we were both napping, haha.

Anyway, what I am doing right now is waiting for my four oapos;clock tutor student to show up and hogging one of the SSS office computers while doing so. Honestly, I just wanna go hoooome~ but I have a 6 oapos;clock dude today too, so I am stuck here till the evening hours. And I wore black corduroys and a black turtleneck, and it is hot as balls outside. And Iapos;ve decided to attempt to stop smoking or at least cut down to like one a day since itapos;s super bad to do with bc pills, so I canapos;t even go out and enjoy a soothing cancer stick while I am waiting.

On a positive note, there is a motherfucking Oscar Wilde minicourse next semester. I am so there. And one on Dracula and one on Japanese films, which both sound fucking awesome but they probably wonapos;t be 400-level. But Iapos;ll probably take one anyway because wtf, Dracula.

caravanserai santana, chocolate flavoured coffee, chocolate flavoured, chocolate flavour, chocolate flavors, chocolate flavorings.

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