вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

away bruise go wont

Hey Livejournal Whores....

About time i kicked my own ass into posting something other than crap, although iapos;m sure the following will contain a hideous amount of it anyway.

Why am i sat here writing this at 12 33 instead of being at work cooking and serving and prepping for the masses of old ladies? Well that would be because like a complete fucktard on a stick i managed to dislocate my shoulder on saturday, although i will admit i did it via my favourite medium of self harm: the Epileptic Fit. It was a biggie, about 7 minutes of kicking twitching and thrashing. Net result of that = Hospital trip, x-ray, dislocated shoulder and worse CARPET BURN ON MY FACE (face aids as james calls it)

Also right now my tonngue hurts like a beeeeatch. I got it repierced yesterday, its sort of a birthday present from a friend, although it kinda feels like a punishment. I really donapos;t remember it hurting this much last time i had it done. Ho hum.

Oh its also my Birthday on Saturday. Half way to thirty. You have no idea quite how old/retarded i feel. Twenty Five isnapos;t that old right?

Birthday wish List:
Decent Cooks Knife
Tongue Pierced
Imperial Aquilla Tattoo
New Boots
Smexy Pants

Oh yeah, the Tattoo i want..

I want Im Nominae Imperator Deus written underneath it. I think this probably out geeks Ellies binary tat.

Ok gotta go shower shave and stuff now...


Oh before i forget... Have some funny.

carrying basket, away bruise go wont, away bruise go that wont, away bruise go make.

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