вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

away bruise go wont

Hey Livejournal Whores....

About time i kicked my own ass into posting something other than crap, although iapos;m sure the following will contain a hideous amount of it anyway.

Why am i sat here writing this at 12 33 instead of being at work cooking and serving and prepping for the masses of old ladies? Well that would be because like a complete fucktard on a stick i managed to dislocate my shoulder on saturday, although i will admit i did it via my favourite medium of self harm: the Epileptic Fit. It was a biggie, about 7 minutes of kicking twitching and thrashing. Net result of that = Hospital trip, x-ray, dislocated shoulder and worse CARPET BURN ON MY FACE (face aids as james calls it)

Also right now my tonngue hurts like a beeeeatch. I got it repierced yesterday, its sort of a birthday present from a friend, although it kinda feels like a punishment. I really donapos;t remember it hurting this much last time i had it done. Ho hum.

Oh its also my Birthday on Saturday. Half way to thirty. You have no idea quite how old/retarded i feel. Twenty Five isnapos;t that old right?

Birthday wish List:
Decent Cooks Knife
Tongue Pierced
Imperial Aquilla Tattoo
New Boots
Smexy Pants

Oh yeah, the Tattoo i want..

I want Im Nominae Imperator Deus written underneath it. I think this probably out geeks Ellies binary tat.

Ok gotta go shower shave and stuff now...


Oh before i forget... Have some funny.

carrying basket, away bruise go wont, away bruise go that wont, away bruise go make.

понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

ford engine rebuild kit

I almost also would have been killed dead if I brought that kitten home without asking my parents who�I know would have said no so I guess Iapos;m happy that I didnapos;t get the free kitten from Samapos;s neighbors who werenapos;t home at the time.

Yes, I do realized that was a run-on sentence.

After school today I went to McDonaldapos;s with my friends Sam and Whitney which was a really bad decision seeing as I�really had to go to the bathroom ever since first period and I refuse to use the school bathrooms or McDonaldapos;s. So it was a very big relief after I got home and was able to go because McDonaldapos;s goes right through me like a damn laxative. Samapos;s dad recently died, as in he died last week. I want to know how it happened, but I donapos;t think she wants to talk about it so�I donapos;t really push it.

I could slap my friend Whitney to death if she werenapos;t a woman. Sam kept hinting that she wanted to go to the movies tonight and I�assumed it was because her mom kept crying and everything and she just wanted to get out of the house where HER DAD DIED LAST WEEK. But Whitney didnapos;t seem to get that. Instead she said that she couldnapos;t because she had to decorate a shirt at church.


I could kill her.

Anyways, thereapos;s this really scary woman pointing at me at the side of the web page, youapos;ve probably seen her. It says�"NO WAY Save HUGE on�Auto Insurance" and sheapos;s pointing at you and she just looks very frightening so Iapos;m going to end this post before she comes out of the screen and pokes me in the eye.�<3

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

comunication breakdown tab

Name/Nick: Shimin / thelaydeebug
Account Type/No: POSB Saving 183-12196-0
Email Address: mylilwardrobe@gmail.com
Mobile No:

Placed an order on 16 Oct 08 in Korea Japan Apparel Spree. Then i sent her invoice to transfer the money within nxt 24h. However, she did not do so, did not even reply my email to ask for extension of time for payment or say pass. She went MIA until i sent her a 2nd chance email to make payment within the nxt 24hrs which is today. She revert immediately saying that sheapos;s overseas so she will want a pass. HOHO�what a coincidence huh, overseas, able to reply me so fast too. Zzz

I do not know where is your pair of eyes. Please do not think that the TCs are written there for displaying only. It is for YOU(shoppers/spree ers) to READ. And also if you cannot abide to them, then respect it.
ONCE�confirm to purchase an item(s),�no backing out, else blacklist.

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dallas auto detailing


i am feeling.. Rather deluded. That i am not stressed now.

so maybe crazy would be a better word. And why? look at my to-do list, all due monday except the last one:

1. Choir Attendance
4. Eng Comprehension
5. Eng Summary
6. Math Journal
7. Trigo File
8. Functions File
9. Chem Ws 8

haha yes i cheated and separated comprehension and summary to make it seem like iapos;ve finished more.

so, die die die. See. I have 6 items left to do. And considering that i have swimming saturday morn, chinese tuition afternoon until 3, dinner at relativeapos;s house at 8, and clarinet lesson sunday morning EVERY�SINGLE�WEEKEND.. Weekends really arenapos;t rest periods for me. (translation, work time during weekends = SAT�3.30 - 7.30, SUN 2/3 onwards)

yes i know some people have a lot more packed in their schedule and can still cope. Well, not me. Iapos;m a professional time-waster, and procrastinator. Hence, i have 6 items left to do now.

and here comes my mental reminder, screaming at me now. STOP�BLOGGING�AND�GO�DO�YOUR HOMEWORK

i shall listen to my (surprisingly present) conscience. And go and finish my work.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

belfast tourist infomation

*points up* lame title :)


Every Tuesday night I have my English class. I carpool with another person, Oscar, who happens to work with my dad. His wife also happens to be pregnant. As a baby/thanks for giving me a ride present, Iapos;m making them (well, their soon-to-be-here daughter) and quit.

Since this is only the second quilt Iapos;ve made (well, forth if you count not-so-well-done doll quilts,) Iapos;m going with a nice, simple pattern. Plus, that way it wonapos;t take me forever to make :)

The one on the right, and picture it in more pink/purple colors (they know itapos;s going to be a girl) I know itapos;s super basic, but I think itapos;s still nice looking :) It does look a bit harder than "look, I can sew a straight line" even though thatapos;s all it is

Mom and I are going to go buy the fabric soon, thereapos;s a great quilting shop in a nearby town.

Also, to the general public: Yes, I am Alaskan. No, that does NOT mean I personally know Sarah Palin. SO STOP ASKING

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c circle club golf

In my whole life, I have known dad as my supporter, my advisor, my chef, my driver, my joker, my exercising instructor, my financial guru, sometimes he seemed to be a prick in my eye...not in a mean way, but just when we couldnapos;t see eye to eye. He was the reason I�am here to live in aus. He was the one who gave me the opportunity to leave the country and venture on my own. He left me alone to search for myself the wisdom, the courage and the maturity I required in order to see me grow. He gave me hope and he wanted the best for me, my brother..my sis.

I�rmb the first time he slapped me hard ...real hard across my face because I was rude to him. I�remembered the tears and his hand prints on my flushed cheeks. And I thought I�would never had forgiven him for that. He never like birthdays, never like festive seasons, never like presents. Once I�wanted to buy him a present for his bapos;day, he said apos;why waste the money?apos; Few times, we bought mom gifts, he forbid that too. From then on, I convinced myself that he will never accept gifts. So I stopped buying things for him. I stopped thinking about him on his bdays. I�stopped calling him on his bapos;days. He stopped working ever since his own construction partnership fell apart. He was diagnosed with diabetes shortly afterwards. And he soon became our apos;momapos;. He stayed home, cooked, washed and take us to school in the mornings.

The year when I�graduated from polytechnic, he asked me if I�wanted to further my studies in Aus. I�said yes, but I�wasnapos;t sure if I�was strong enough to handle the long distance from family �friends and the independence abroad. He still he pushed me into it. And before I�knew it, I was off to Perth two months after I�graduated. Life got tough in perth, I was scared, lonely and struggling with my self confidence. I�got miserable and asked myself why did I agree to do it.

Time flew by and I�finished uni. I struggled to find myself a job. Yet, he convinced me to stay a while longer and to persevere. I did. For nine f*cking months I�was in and out of depression.

Then things got better, got a job, financially I�begun to do really well. Got a car with my savings. Got to know more people. Socially, I�was doing well. Got a boyfriend who loved me. Got rid of my f*cking housemates.... All the time while dad got worse off with his mental health. He seemed weird at times. Over suspicious and making claims that seemed all too bizarre.

As a daughter, I�have already apos;leftapos; him in some ways I have way neglected him. I�never knew what he chose to go through all these years. When times are bad, I�knew only to blame dad. When times are good, I forgot about him totally. If thereapos;s something that I�can do, I would say I�am sorry for many things that were left unsaid and undone. I�am so sorry dad.

But I have promised myself to do something about it now and I want to show you that I love you dad.

I�have never seen him cry. And if he did, I wished I�could see it because that will break the coldness that he had held inside for the last 20 years against his family, his wife, his children and himself.

Please get better dad.

I will call more often - I promised.
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astros schedule 2005

Shooting tonight went well, I think. Some more advanced shots, one of which involved choreographed lighting cues, camera moves, and action taking place in a bathroom-- it was a little cramped. And Iapos;m going to ache from the contortions I needed to get into to get some of this footage.

But damn, itapos;s looking good.

More shooting tomorrow, including a whole bunch of blood effects and prosthetics. Itapos;s gonna be a long day.

But damn, it feels good.

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